Meals at the Boarding School

The meals are a an important part of everyday life at the Boarding School

Meals are meeting times

You are required to attend meals

When we eat together, we talk about anything and everything.

We strive to create a nice and cosy atmosphere in the dining hall and to ensure that the food is appetizing and healthy.

The kitchen staff takes pride in serving you healthy, homemade, and freshly prepared food.

You can expect a combination of traditional Danish dishes and international cuisine.

Eating together in a family and eating with over 200 people is different.

Therefore, pay attention to what is expected of you by observing what others do.

The staff will always help you feel comfortable and guide you if needed.

On Fridays it is often something extra good, like burgers or burritos.

Special dietary needs

The kitchen prepares varied food that meets your dietary needs.

There is a vegetarian buffet available for all meals.

If you have any allergies, please inform us on the application form for the boarding school.

On the day of your arrival, the kitchen staff will have a conversation with you to clarify any special needs.


If you have guests, you need to purchase meal tickets for them.

You can do this through

Do you have questions?

Please contact us if you have further questions regarding Grenaa Gymnasium’s Boarding School.

Picture of Thomas Stenumgaard Lind
Thomas Stenumgaard Lind

Head of Boarding School
Tlf.: 60123906

Picture of Marie Ahlburg
Marie Ahlburg

Boarding School Secretary
Tlf.: 87584075

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