Apply for Admission

Pre-IB, IB Diploma and  the Boarding School

Admission to Grenaa Gymnasium

How are the admission procedures? – and do you meet the admission requirements for the upper-secondary programme you desire?

This page helps you get a handle on that.

All applications for admission to Pre-IB, and IB, as well as the Boarding School, must be made electronically in OpenApply.

Scroll down and read about admission requirements and procedures

Admission requirements and procedures

OpenApply is the electronic platform where you apply for admission to Pre-IB, IB Diploma, and the Boarding School.

OpenApply is a closed and secure platform.

Throughout your time at Grenaa Gymnasium’s boarding school, Pre-IB, or IB, we aim to conduct all communication through this platform.

If you have any questions regarding OpenApply, please contact our Admissions Secretary, Anneli Sverdrup. You will find her contact information below.

If you want to apply for admission to Pre-IB, you should be aware of the following:

  • You need to make both an application in and a direct application to the school in OpenApply.
  • In, you should select Pre-IB at Grenaa Gymnasium as your first priority (choose ‘FORRANG’).
  • You must meet the admission requirements for STX.
  • You must have a high level of proficiency in English, both written and spoken, as all instruction is conducted in English.
  • You must be able to read complex academic texts in English.
  • We expect you to bring your own laptop. Many assignments need to be submitted electronically.
  • You need to acquire the calculator required for IB. You will need it already in Pre-IB.


Read about Pre-IB and IB at Grenaa Gymnasium.

If you want to apply for admission to IB Diploma, you should be aware of the following:

  • You need to make a direct application to Grenaa Gymnasium in OpenApply. It is not a requirement to apply through
  • To be admitted to IB, you must have completed Pre-IB, 1st year of STX (or an equivalent high school education abroad).
  • You need to have a grade point average that would qualify you for STX.
  • You must have a high level of proficiency in English, both written and spoken, as all instruction is conducted in English.
  • You should have a high level of proficiency in the other subjects that you choose.


What does IB generally require?

IB is demanding, both academically and personally. You should consider whether you can meet the high academic requirements.

You should be prepared for the demanding written work and strict regulations of the IB program.

You should have an interest in pursuing education in an international environment.

If you are admitted to IB:

  • Bring your own laptop as many assignments need to be submitted electronically.
  • Acquire the calculator required for IB.


Read about Pre-IB and IB Diploma at Grenaa Gymnasium.

Do you want to apply for a room at Grenaa Gymnasium’s Boarding School?

You can apply for a room at the Boarding School if you need a place to stay while attending Grenaa Gymnasium.

You must apply for a room at the Boarding School at the same time as you apply for either STX, HF, Pre-IB, or IB. You can do this through OpenApply:

Once you have created a profile in OpenApply, you will be guided through the process.

If you are a Danish boarding school applicant and applying for admission to STX or HF, you must select Grenaa Gymnasium’s Boarding School as your “FORRANG” (priority) on

Read more about Grenaa Gymnasium’s boarding school.

Can you receive a subsidy for your boarding school stay?

Who is not eligible for a subsidy?

If you are over 18 years old, you are not eligible for a subsidy.

Who is eligible for a subsidy?

If you are under 18 years old, you may be eligible for a subsidy.

If you turn 18 during the school year, you must pay the full price from the beginning of the first complete quarter after you turn 18.

The subsidy is calculated based on your parents’ and your income, minus an amount per dependent sibling living at home who is under 18 years old as of August 1st in the year of admission. See the exact amount here: Boarding fee 2024-2025

If your parents are divorced, only the income of the parent you live with and their potential new spouse or registered partner will be included.

You and your parents must document your income by uploading the documentation in OpenApply along with the boarding school application.

Citizens residing in Denmark:

  • You must upload both your and your parents’ annual tax assessment notice (årsopgørelse).
  • For the school year 2024/2025. We will need the tax assessment notice for the income year 2022.
  • If there is foreign income in the income year, documentation for the foreign income must be provided.

Citizens residing outside Denmark:

  • You must document your income with an extract from the public authority that administers incomes and taxes.
  • You must also complete the “Family Income Statement” form in OpenApply. All amounts must be before tax.
  • The information must be uploaded in the original language and translated into English. Notarization is not necessary.
  • For the school year 2024/2025, we will need the income information from 2022.

If there is no well-documented information about the income situation, the school is entitled to charge the full boarding fee.


Parents or legal guardians of students who are under 18 years old at the time of admission commit to paying the full boarding fee until the end of the quarter in which the student turns 18.

What does the boarding fee cover?

The boarding fee covers full board, lodging, internet, and use of all boarding school facilities.

The boarding fee does not cover insurance or expenses for personal hygiene and laundry, as well as pocket money.

The boarding fee must be paid to Danske Bank:

Account number: 0216 4069032044
IBAN: DK2302164069032044

Here is a list of the documents and information you need for your application in OpenApply if you have not previously attended Danish schools:

Documents Needed For OpenApply

Please note that a significant part of the application process is conducted in English.

If you have any questions regarding OpenApply, please contact our Admissions Secretary, Anneli Sverdrup. You will find her contact information below.

Do you have questions?

Please contact the Admissions and IB Secretary

Picture of Anneli Sverdrup Pedersen
Anneli Sverdrup Pedersen

Admissions and IB Secretary
Tel.: 87584060

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